Friday, February 26, 2010

I spent the day getting the last of the boxes unpacked and placed on shelves. Hooked up the second pump, the waterfall pump, the other day. It's nice to see the waterfall running again. Now most of the ice is melted. I hooked up the overview camera so now everyone can watch the fish as they come out of hibernation. I'm excited to see this and hope my customers are also. Hopefully, no more snow will add to the 3 1/2' we got recently.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Clean up.

Spent a couple hours getting the big pond up and running. Had to dig out the skimmer to hook up the pump. Then add water, of all things, to keep the skimmer full enough to keep running. I want to get the pond thawed, running the water will be the best way to do it. I think the real cold temperatures are over for the winter of 2009. One more week and it'll be March. I also had to knock the snow off the overhang to the ice doesn't rip off the gutter. It already has damaged two gutters that I'll have to fix in the Spring. Ugh. Maybe next week I'll start up the big pump that runs the waterfall..

Let the games begin!

Four more pallets of inventory now set inside the store. That makes a total of 12. What a mess. Now the fun begins. Where will I put all of it? Yesterday my son and I worked for over an hour to upright the leaning structure that protects the fish system. Three feet of snow is a lot of weight. We had to use ropes and a come-a-long to get it back to it's original position. What a pain! Only 5 weeks until opening day. So much to do.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inventory is coming either today or tomorrow. I still need to get the forklift to run, something is wrong with the gas pedal. Friday brings even more inventory. I guess I know what I'll be doing today. At least there is no snow in the weeks' forecast. I'm trying to get my websites wrapped up in the next couple weeks, because when the Spring finally gets here, I won't have the time.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

All the snow took it's toll on my shed. It's one of those pole/tarp kind. It collapsed (Picture to come later today). We will go out and try to get the snow off of it. I suspect the poles are bent and will need straightening. Hopefully I can rebuild it. I want spring!!!! Hurry up.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fish Sense

Today the fish have become much more active than I would expect for this time of year. They are all a-buzz about something. Perhaps they sense the warmer weather coming. That would be ironic since we have received close to 3 1/2' of snow in the last 5 days. You can see the activity by going to my underwater cam at Enjoy the show!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow, snow, and more snow!

Wow! 15"+ of snow now, and still no end in sight. The greenhouses are holding up so far. (see the pic from yesterday in "slideshow") I guess no orders will be coming this week. We need to get rid of some of this snow first. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Snow

Today we are bracing for yet another snow storm. Just got done cleaning up two feet of snow, and now maybe 12"-20" more. Bring it on. As long as the fish are safe, and the greenhouses supported, it's okay with me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Clean Up Begins

After spending hours getting unburied from 24" of snow, it's time to time to go out to the store and check things there. I cant even get in the parking lot, so ill have to take the tractor out and open it up just to park. I also have to clear the parking lot to allow for the truck to bring inventory on Friday, and get the fork lift freed. Yesterday I drove by and saw that the greenhouses were okay. I have to remove some snow from the pond to allow the gases to escape. It just means digging the area clear where the deicer's are. (being only 5' 4", this can be a bit of a challenge in 2' of snow). Let the fun begin!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Today we got 24" of snow, and it's still coming down. I will have to check the greenhouses and make sure they are okay. The good news is, I always put center supports inside for just such an occasion. So it should be fine. The fish are all snug under the ice, so they don't even realize it's happening. It might be darker under the ice now, but they don't care. I love the snow, but can't wait for Spring to arrive!


Welcome to my blog. I will be keeping posts of the many things we do here at Gettysburg Water Gardens: keep up with opening day, hours of operation, our live web cams, our on-line store and much much more. Come watch the fish spawn, feed, or just swim around. You might even see a frog here or there if you watch closely. I look forward to spreading the joy of water gardening to all who watch this blog.